Speak without speaking

Yesterday, I wrote about how in music, instruments alone can speak as loudly as words, and how this thinking can also apply to the world of marketing.

Here are ten examples of some (mostly) instrumental artists who’ve found massive success without lyrics:

Polyphia (prog rock)

Caspian (post rock)

devonwho (hip hop)

sunn O))) (drone metal)

Tycho (dream pop)

Four Tet (electronic)

Snarky Puppy (jazz fusion)

This Will Destroy You (post rock)

Trip The Witch (psychedelic)

Boards of Canada (electronic)

These are some of my longtime go-to's and where I find a lot of my inspiration.

How can we as entrepreneurs communicate our unique value without words?

– Charles

P.S. Who else should I be listening to? Hit reply and let me know 😀