How to get clear on the value you offer

Before we can find alignment between ourselves, our product, and our best customers, we need to get clear on the value we offer.

Our value is not just the product or service that we sell...

It's the benefit people derive from it.

For example...

A coffee shop sells coffee, but the value could be providing a pleasant environment for people to hang out and catch up on emails.

A car company sells cars, but the value could be transporting people from A to B in the safest way possible.

A home builder constructs houses, but perhaps the value is how they provide their customers with a beautiful place to start a family.

Most brands talk excessively about their product and its features when they should focus on the benefits.

It's important to take the time to understand and carefully articulate the value we provide to others.

We must identify what sets us apart from everyone else and understand why our offering is valuable to people who've purchased and benefitted from it.

But DO NOT overthink this!

Start by examining your best customers, clients, fans, etc.

Ask them what initially attracted them to you and why they've remained loyal.

Their answer will probably be something that comes very naturally to you without much effort at all.

Write down whatever they say and consider using this exact phrasing in your marketing.

Don't attempt to make it sound technical or fancy — use the simple words they used to describe you.

Your unique value may seem insignificant to you or too good to be true...

But, just for a moment, I ask that you consider that what comes naturally to you could be immensely valuable to someone else.

– Charles

Song of the day
Among the Wildflowers by The Hotelier

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