How to find customers

Spoiler alert: this is the wrong question to be asking.

A better question to ask is:

How can you help customers find you?

Or better yet ...

Where do your best customers want to find you?

In an ad?

In a marketplace?

Referred by a friend?

Nailing this context could make all the difference.

For example:

I can attribute ~$100k of my revenue in 2021 to getting coffee with some guy I had never met, having zero expectations of ever 'selling' him anything.

Yet I’ve spent ~$50k over the last year trying to make Meta ads 'work' for me.

Now don't get me wrong ... they've definitely 'worked'.

But that $6 cup of coffee had a much better ROAS.

Time to drink more coffee with new friends.

– Charles

Song of the day
How Dare You by L.S. Dunes