Branding is instrumental

When you hear a song for the first time, what do you pay most attention to?

My guess is that it's probably not the lyrical content.

I bet you hear:

The tempo…

The melody…

The tones…

The composition...

And all of these together make you feel a certain way.

Heck, 90% of what I listen to these days doesn't even have words!

You know pretty quickly if you like it or not.

Similarly, when you see an ad, you subconsciously notice:

The colors…

The fonts…

The photography…

The textures...

You know pretty quickly if you're interested or not.

Sure, the words are important…

But the visuals can speak volumes.

– Charles

Song of the day
Ólafur Arnalds live from Hafursey, in Iceland

^ This is epic.

(there are no words ... until the interview at the end 😉)

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